The overall cost to the UK economy from cybercrime is £27bn per year and the majority of this is felt by business. It is accepted now that networks are not safe from cyber threats but how these attacks are identified and dealt with significantly impacts the cost of the breach and widely reaching consequences.
Where we can help you
Intrusion prevention:
Blocking unauthorised visitors from accessing valuable business resources.Deployed at the perimeter and embedded throughout the network.
Email and web security:
Protecting against attacks from viruses, worms, spyware, spam, phishing and controls of unwanted mail and web content.
Cloud security:
Ensuring third parties are securely storing your data when your apppcations and systems are hosted elsewhere.
Network access control:
Control of both wired and wireless devices when they attempt to access the corporate network using popcies that identify where users and devices can access and what they are allowed to do.
Secure mobipty:
Ensuring remote users have an extra level of secure access when connecting to the corporate network from any location.